Career Transition Tips # 1- Accept The Change
Did you notice that many a times you feel
extremely uncomfortable thinking about transition to outside world. The felling
of uncertainty, and insecurity over
powers your thoughts and many a times in such situations, rather than accepting the
reality, you tend to shy away or run away from the thoughts of transition. At
times, many of you who have already switched to corporate some time prior also
tend to feel uncomfortable in adjusting to corporate environment. In retrospect,
Have you ever thought how well prepared
are you to take on the corporate and what improvement/adjustments you can make to be competitive and fit enough
outside. Here is the first article of
the five articles series on career
transition tips which will help you in having a successful and seamless transition to corporate.
A career in armed forces is more than a career ;rather it’s a way of life. You’re thickly into
the military routine, day in and day out,
year by year, and deeply
engrossed in the dynamic activities of the
services. While performing your duties with extreme passion and dedication, You sub consciously tend to develop a strong
relationship or a deep association with our profession; the more the number of
years of service you have, the thicker the military layer on your skin.
Thus, when it’s time to call it a day and hang your boots permanently,
Many of you tend to shy away from the reality or simply avoid thinking about
it, thinking that doing so the transition will not bother you and not realizing
that the more you neglect it now, the more it will trouble you later. You have
fallen so much in love with your military profession that you don’t feel like
thinking beyond it. While it’s good to focus on your present, it is necessary
to have the foresightedness especially when you are left with couple of years
in service. Life has various phases in it and every phase is inevitable.
Schooling, college( including NDA), first Career(forces), marriage, retirement,
second career etc are all various phases of life and most of you have to
undergo all while a handful of you may skip a few of these phases. The sooner you realize this reality, the better it is for you and your
career transition. Once you accept wholeheartedly that you will be retiring from
forces at some time in life, you will be able to look and focus towards a
career post retirement.
We all know that career transition is a well planned game plan and it
needs a lot of sincerity, commitment, and time to plan and execute a seamless
transition to corporate world. You know that the challenges faced by military
leaders while transitioning to corporate world are normally not faced by others( click here) . However
by not accepting the fact that transition will take place or by avoiding
thinking about the transition, we put ourself at a major disadvantageous
position from where the recovery is extremely difficult. A person who is
repeatedly avoiding the planning and preparation for the career transition is
also an example of someone not willing to accept the transition or for that matter change. Why do many of us
blame the corporate employers that they don’t provide us with good opportunities, however
what we fail to realize is that many of us don’t prepare ourself adequately for
the transition before hanging the uniform.
The first step in planning career transition is to realize that change
will occur and this acceptance will allow for a focused approach towards the
career switch. A good exercise to accept the reality would be to keep a slot
for an hour or two daily to think, read, and discuss in relation to career
transition and the options available for your next career. Keeping this slot
and utilizing time for your second career preparation will not only convince
your heart and mind about the occurrence of change but also gives a push to
your preparation about career transition.
Remember, the most successful veterans immediately after the transition
are those who have planned their transition well and the first step in planning
your transition is to shake hand with the call of second career. The sooner you
accept the reality, the better it is for your second innings.
For more info on career transition, click here